Company News
Sunflower Seeds Cleaning, Dehulling and Separatinig Equipment Delivered to Argentina
Sunflower Seeds Cleaning, Dehulling and Separatinig Equipment Delivered to Argentina
Sunflower Seeds Cleaning,Dehulling&Separatinig Equipment Delivered to Russia.
Sunflower Seeds Cleaning,Dehulling&Separatinig Equipment Delivered to Russia.
Sunflower Seeds Cleaning,Dehulling&Separatinig Equipment Delivered to Ukraine.
Sunflower Seeds Cleaning,Dehulling&Separatinig Equipment Delivered to Ukraine.
Liaoning Provincial Industry and Informatization Department awarded Liaoning Qiaopai Machineries the title of "specialized and refined little giant"
Liaoning Provincial Industry and Informatization Department awarded Liaoning Qiaopai Machineries the title of "specialized and refined little giant"
Buckwheat Dehulling and Separating Equipment is loaded and exported to customers
Buckwheat Dehulling and Separating Equipment is loaded and exported to customers
Almond inshell Processing Equipment is ready for deliver from Qiaopai facilities.
Almond inshell Processing Equipment is ready for deliver from Qiaopai facilities.
Walnut Dehulling line is ready for deliver from Qiaopai facilities,heading to our customer in Yunan
Walnut Dehulling line is ready for deliver from Qiaopai facilities,heading to our customer in Yunan
Qiaopai moments: Pumpkin seed&watermelon seed dehulling lines are delivering from Qiaopai facilities,heading to our honorable customer.
Qiaopai moments: Pumpkin seed&watermelon seed dehulling lines are delivering from Qiaopai facilities,heading to our honorable customer.
Qiaopai Moments:Sunflower seeds dehulling lines are delivering at Qiaopai facilities and heading to our honorable customer.
Qiaopai Moments:Sunflower seeds dehulling lines are delivering at Qiaopai facilities and heading to our honorable customer.
Sunflower Seed Dehulling line is ready for deliver from Qiaopai facilities,heading to our honorable customer
Sunflower Seed Dehulling line is ready for deliver from Qiaopai facilities,heading to our honorable customer